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Professional English Language Services and Translation in Schwerin

Hi, I’m Cathy, a freelance translator living in East Germany.
I’m here to help German brands find fluency in the British market and make communicating in English easy, bringing your goals within reach.

Is this you?

  • You’re a German company, perhaps selling premium, ethical fashion products


  • You’re ready to turn heads and make a profit in the UK market


  • You want your communication in English to reflect the quality of your products


  • You’ve tried free translator tools, but your brand’s brilliance got lost in clunky copy



I can help.

Cathy Translates

What’s the difference between a human translation and a machine translation?

The original: königlich unterwegs durch die Stadt


Free translation tool: Royal on the road through the city


My solution: Rule the road


Discover how I arrived at this translation

Why work with me?

When done well, translation doesn’t look, feel, or sound like translation. It becomes invisible, leaving your business to shine. But there’s a lot that goes into the art of standing out while blending in.


Cultural strategy

As your freelance translator, I’ll quickly become one of the team, committed to achieving your goals. I’ll annotate your translated text with notes in your mother tongue on cultural context and strategic advice to help you crack the British market.


Keeping it fresh​

Language and culture change constantly. As a British pop culture fan living in Germany, I’m immersed in the latest local references and trends. I’ll keep you in the loop and one step ahead of your competitors​.


Consistently excellent

Establishing your brand in a new language is about building trust by delivering quality consistently. With me, you’ll get a custom brand glossary to guide future translations, so you become known for your products and the way you speak about them.

English Translation Services for German ecommerce

I specialise in helping German ecommerce businesses grow in the British market.


In this space, there’s a maze of terminology, technical detail, and cultural difference to navigate. Drawing on my experience in the sector, my service goes beyond words to guide you in your promotion and messaging strategy and light the pathway to success.


Cathy managed to capture a wide range of voices, preserving their individual personalities


“Our extremely fruitful collaboration with Cathy was complemented by her flexibility, communication, responsiveness, punctuality, friendliness, and approachability. Cathy was sensitive to the participants and managed to capture a wide range of voices and preserve their individual character and personality.”


-International Voluntary Service Initiative, Turbina Pomerania, at the Kultur- und Initiativenhaus Greifswald e. V.

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